The general theory of Acupuncture is that proper physiological function and health depends on the circulation of nutrients, substances, and energy called Qi through a network of channels called “Meridians”.  This network connects every organ and part of the body, providing balance, regulation, and coordination of physiological processes.


Pain and illnesses result when the flow of Qi through the body is disrupted or blocked by many things, including disease, pathogens, trauma/injuries, and medication, as well as lifestyle factors, such as overwork, poor diet, emotions, lack of rest, and stress.


Stimulation of the appropriate acu-points through Acupuncture treatments help to restore sufficient, continuous, and even flow of Qi and other nutrients through-out the body, thereby restoring health and balance to the body, while relieving pain and other symptoms.


The Acupuncturist uses a sophisticated and complex system o diagnostic methods that take into consideration the person as a whole, discerning the body’s pattern of disharmony rather than isolated symptoms, but more importantly to treat the underlying cause, increase the ability to function and improve the quality of life.


Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is one of the newest  primary health care professions in California.  The potential benefits of Acupuncture are widely recognized, and it is being increasingly integrated with mainstream health care.  Since the 1970′s, when Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine first became available in the United States, more than 15 million Americans have tried it.  The risk of side effects is low and the potential benefits are high.  Knowing what to expect from Acupuncture will help patients get the most benefits from their treatments.

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